
Friday, February 24, 2012

Only Human

The sunset hides blistering rage,
Disappearing behind the mourning moon,
Of all that had been and could have been,
Have all been swept away by sand dunes.

Grain by grain,
The sands of time falls,
It manipulates us,
In this world, we are only dolls.

To live our lives,
Day by day,
Never aware,
Of what we say.

The pain we cause others,
The scars we leave,
The justice that calls out,
And the web of vendettas we weave.

In our own destruction,
Do we make our path,
Surely to stop,
Is not too big a task?

To cease and desist,
To see what is right,
To realize truth,
To step into the light.

Have no regrets,
Thats what they say,
Do they honestly believe that,
Every single day?

Practice what you preach,
The common saying goes,
It means nothing,
If in your garden, nothing grows.

Only weeds with thorns,
Full of hatred and sin,
Hidden by a pretty face,
You'll probably end up in the bin.

Trash is what you are,
Useless to all,
You'd probably answer,
Only when the devil calls.

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